Bug #329
closedRedirect to CommErrAddr when error during TC Token generation
This test case checks the behavior of the eID-Client in case the eService encounters an error during the generation of the TC Token.
Der Browser wird nicht zu CommErrAddr weitergeleitet.
Stattdessen kommt 404 zurück.
Updated by Tobias Wich over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
This is too unspecific, if the error occurs during the TCToken generation, then obviously the CommunicationErrorAddress is not available. If verification instead of generation is the problem, then it should be fixed now.
Updated by Hans-Martin Haase about 10 years ago
This wasn't fixed according to the tests with the testsuite.
According to TR-03124 and my understanding this test is to be interpreted as follows:
On the eService site occurs an error while the tctoken generation e.g. while the communication with the eid-Server. In this case the eService generates an TCToken which contains just a CommunicationErrorAddress.
The current stage code takes this as missing RefreshAddress error which is not correct. I have added a initial check to cover this case. See my branch tcTokenHandlingFixes. NOTE: This branch contains currently the changes from the keyusage branch which shouldn't be integrated into the stage branch.
Updated by Detlef Hühnlein about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Review
- Reviewer set to Tobias Wich