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Tobias Wich, 10/11/2012 06:01 PM
Client Control Interface¶
The Client Control Interface is http based. The webserver of the eCard client is available only under http://localhost:24724.
tcTokenURL | The URL determines where the client can retrieve the TC Token. See TR-03112-7, section 3.2 | Mandatory |
ifdName | The ifdName determines the card terminal. | Optional1 |
contextHandle | The contextHandle addresses a specific IFD. | Optional1 |
slotHandle | The slotHandle determines a connected eCard. See TR-03112-6, section 3.2.1. | Optional1 |
cardType | The cardType determines the type of card which must be selected. | Optional1 |
200 OK | The refresh address is comprised in the Message Body (Hack for Mac OS Safari). |
303 See Other | The Location field in the response should contain the refresh address. |
400 Bad Request | Malformed GET request, e.g. parameters are missing. |
500 Internal Server Error | Other errors. |
text/html | Webpage with user evaluatable content. E.g. error page, manual redirect, ... |
The interface can be used to start the eID application.
There are three meaningful combinations of the optional parameters:
- none
Use the fist nPa available. Display a "Please insert nPa" dialog if needed. This is the behaviour of the AusweisApp.
In other words the lack of the cardType parameter sets it to the default value
, and thus the next rule becomes effective. - cardType
Use the fist card of the specified type which is available. Display a "Please insert <cardType>" dialog if needed.
A special case must be made when software certificates (cardType=
) are used. In that case no dialog is shown, when there is no certificate. Instead an error is produced. - ifdName, contextHandle, slotHandle
Use exactly the card matching the parameters.
cardType is requested from the selected card directly. If there is no such card, an error is produced.
TODO * What happens if the Client Activator cannot start an application? * What happens if the Client Activator cannot fetch a TC Token from the given TCTokenURL? Should that result in a 400 or 404?
During the processing of the activation, a TCToken is fetched from a remote server.
The TCToken is defined as follows:
<element name="TCToken" type="TCTokenType" />
<complexType name="TCTokenType">
<element name="ServerAddress" type="anyURI" />
<element name="SessionIdentifier" type="string" />
<element name="RefreshAddress" type="anyURI" />
<element name="Binding" type="anyURI" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="PathSecurity-Protocol" type="anyURI" />
<element name="PathSecurity-Parameter" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<element name="PSK" type="hexBinary" />
The contents of the elements are defined as follows:
- ServerAddress
Must contain a https-URL which shall be used by the eCA to connect to the authentication server. - SessionIdentifier
Must contain a unique identifier of the current authentication session. - RefreshAddress
Must be a https-URL. The eCA redirects the browser to this URL (or the URL retrieved by following redirects starting from this URL) after conclusion of the online authentication. - Binding
May be used to indicate that an authentication protocol according to [ISO24727-3] is to be performed over the session between eCA and the authentication server.
Currently the following values are defined:urn:liberty:paos:2006-08
- PathSecurity-Protocol
This element specifies the security protocol, which is to be used for securing the connection between eCA and AS.
Currently the following values are defined:urn:ietf:rfc:4346
TLS according to [RFC4346].urn:ietf:rfc:4279
TLS-PSK according to [RFC4279].urn:ietf:rfc:5487
TLS-PSK with a cipher suite according to [RFC5487].
- PathSecurity-Parameter
Must be present to supply path security parameters such as PSK values.
- Binding is optional to use solely the transport protocol for authentication.
- PathSecurity-Protocol has an additional value. (
) - PathSecurity-Parameter is optional because of the additional default TLS Protocol.
session | The session parameter establishes an event queue for further requests with waitforChange. | Optional |
200 OK | Status element (see below). |
400 Bad Request | Malformed GET request, e.g. session parameter is too weak. |
500 Internal Server Error | Errors in the smartcard stack or the webserver. |
<complexType name="StatusType">
<element name="ConnectionHandle" type="iso:ConnectionHandleType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" />
<element name="UserAgent" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<element name="Name" type="string" />
<element name="VersionMajor" type="integer" />
<element name="VersionMinor" type="integer" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<element name="VersionSubminor" type="integer" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" />
<element name="SupportedAPIVersions" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<element name="Name" type="string" />
<element name="VersionMajor" type="integer" />
<element name="VersionMinor" type="integer" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="VersionSubminor" type="integer" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="SupportedCardTypes" type="anyURI" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" />
<element name="SupportedDIDProtocols" type="anyURI" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" />
<element name="AdditionalFeatures" type="anyURI" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" />
<element name="Status">
<extension base="oec:StatusType">
<sequence />
The contents of the Status element are defined as follows:
- ConnectionHandle
List of ConnectionHandles reflecting the currently available terminals, cards and their types. - UserAgent
Description of the user agent (client).- Name must be set to "Open eCard App" for all client types of the Open eCard App.
- VersionMajor, VersionMinor and VersionSubminor correspond to the major, minor and patch fields in the Version class.
(see source:common/src/main/java/org/openecard/client/common/
- SupportedAPIVersions
This element names and describes all supported API versions. At the moment, this is solely the eCard-API.- Name and the version elements are one of
, 1, 1,not set
- Name and the version elements are one of
- SupportedCardTypes
List of supported card types. That means the list of card types, for which a CardInfo file exists. - SupportedDIDProtocols
List of supported DID protocols. That means the list of SAL modules' DID protocol URIs registered in the client. - AdditionalFeatures
Not yet defined, but could be further stuff like a Signature plugin etc.
text/xml | The Status element. |
text/html | Message in case of an error. |
The interface can be used to request information about the eID application and its current state.
session | The session of a previously set up event queue (see GetStatus). | Mandatory |
200 OK | StatusChange element (see below). |
400 Bad Request | Malformed GET request, e.g. session parameter is too weak. |
500 Internal Server Error | Errors in the smartcard stack or the webserver. |
TODO: define StatusChange elementContent-Types
text/xml | The StatusChange element. |
text/html | Message in case of an error. |
The interface can be used to request status change information after an initial GetStatus call.
1 Openecard proposal: This parameter/interface is an Open eCard specific extension. It is not part of the official eCard specification.
Updated by Tobias Wich over 12 years ago · 17 revisions