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Tobias Wich, 09/17/2012 05:33 PM

Client Control Interface

The Client Control Interface is http based. The webserver of the eCard client is available only under http://localhost:24724.




tcTokenURL The URL determines where the client can retrieve the TC Token. See TR-03112-7, section 3.2 Mandatory
ifdName The ifdName determines the card terminal. Optional1
contextHandle The contextHandle addresses a specific IFD. Optional1
slotHandle The slotHandle determines a connected eCard. See TR-03112-6, section 3.2.1. Optional1
cardType The cardType determines the type of card which must be selected. Optional1
200 OK The refresh address is comprised in the Message Body (Hack for Mac OS Safari).
303 See Other The Location field in the response should contain the refresh address.
400 Bad Request Malformed GET request, e.g. parameters are missing.
500 Internal Server Error Other errors.
text/html Webpage with user evaluatable content. E.g. error page, manual redirect, ...

The interface can be used to start the eID application.

The parameters ifdName, contextHandle, slotHandle and cardType address a particular eCard, or a type of card.
There are three meaningful combinations of the optional parameters:
  • none
    Use the fist nPa available. Display a "Please insert nPa" dialog if needed. This is the behaviour of the AusweisApp.
  • cardType
    Use the fist card of the specified type which is available. Display a "Please insert <cardType>" dialog if needed.
  • ifdName, contextHandle, slotHandle
    Use exactly the card matching the parameters.


* What happens if the Client Activator cannot start an application?
* What happens if the Client Activator cannot fetch a TC Token from the given TCTokenURL? Should that result in a 400 or 404?

During the processing of the activation, a TCToken is fetched from a remote server.
The TCToken is defined as follows:

<element name="TCToken" type="TCTokenType" />

<complexType name="TCTokenType">
    <element name="ServerAddress" type="anyURI" />
    <element name="SessionIdentifier" type="string" />
    <element name="RefreshAddress" type="anyURI" />
    <element name="Binding" type="anyURI" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>
    <element name="PathSecurity-Protocol" type="anyURI" />
    <element name="PathSecurity-Parameter" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
          <element name="PSK" type="hexBinary" />

The contents of the elements are defined as follows:
  • ServerAddress
    Must contain a https-URL which shall be used by the eCA to connect to the authentication server.
  • SessionIdentifier
    Must contain a unique identifier of the current authentication session.
  • RefreshAddress
    Must be a https-URL. The eCA redirects the browser to this URL (or the URL retrieved by following redirects starting from this URL) after conclusion of the online authentication.
  • Binding
    May be used to indicate that an authentication protocol according to [ISO24727-3] is to be performed over the session between eCA and the authentication server.
    Currently the following values are defined:
    • urn:liberty:paos:2006-08
  • PathSecurity-Protocol
    This element specifies the security protocol, which is to be used for securing the connection between eCA and AS.
    Currently the following values are defined:
    • urn:ietf:rfc:4346
      TLS according to [RFC4346].
    • urn:ietf:rfc:4279
      TLS-PSK according to [RFC4279].
    • urn:ietf:rfc:5487
      TLS-PSK with a cipher suite according to [RFC5487].
  • PathSecurity-Parameter
    Must be present to supply path security parameters such as PSK values.
The following changes are made to the token type defined in [eCard-7]:
  • Binding is optional to use solely the transport protocol for authentication.
  • PathSecurity-Protocol has an additional value. (urn:ietf:rfc:4346)
  • PathSecurity-Parameter is optional because of the additional default TLS Protocol.




session The session parameter establishes an event queue for further requests with waitforChange. Optional
200 OK Status element (see below).
500 Internal Server Error Errors in the smartcard stack or the webserver.
TODO: define Status element
text/xml The Status element.
text/html Error message in case of a 500 status code.

The interface can be used to request information about the eID application and its current state.




session The session of a previously set up event queue (see GetStatus). Mandatory
200 OK StatusChange element (see below).
500 Internal Server Error Errors in the smartcard stack or the webserver.
TODO: define StatusChange element
text/xml The StatusChange element.
text/html Error message in case of a 500 status code.

The interface can be used to request status change information after an initial GetStatus call.

1 Openecard proposal: This parameter/interface is an Open eCard specific extension. It is not part of the official eCard specification.

Updated by Tobias Wich over 12 years ago · 12 revisions

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