



Bug #412


Transport PIN error not displayed to the user

Added by Mehdi Sadeghi about 9 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Target version:
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ich benutze Debian und habe versucht um Open eCard zu benutzen, aber ich bekomme immer einen Fehler am ende des Prozesses: "*org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber:1; columnNumber:1;Premature end of file.*".
Ich habe versucht Aktuelle Code von Github aufrufen und habe ich das selber übersetzt, aber der Fehler bekomme ich immer noch weiter. Ich habe mit OpenJDK 1.8, 1.7 und OracleJDK 8 probiert, immer das gleiche Problem.

Und nochmal alles auf English!
I am trying to use the eID card on Linux. I have a "*REINER SCT cyberJack RFID basis 00 00*" reader which I have installed its driver separately and I think it works fine because I can see reader and card related information in terminal using opensc_tool --list-readers and pcsc_scan commands. I start the java project either by clicking on the downloaded jnlp file (which has installed an icon on my desktop and loads in background) or by running the RichClient from terminal:

java -jar /home/mehdi/.m2/repository/org/openecard/clients/richclient/1.1.1/richclient-1.1.1-bundle-cifs.jar

After running the client I try to login using for example or other similar websites. The browser launches the local java application, I see the java app, then I enter my PIN (it does not accept wrong pin) and after processing I get the error.

Could you please help me to solve this problem? I might be able to fix the bug I am not familiar with the project.


Screenshot from 2015-11-29 10-55-38.png (23.1 KB) Screenshot from 2015-11-29 10-55-38.png Mehdi Sadeghi, 11/29/2015 10:56 AM
richclient_info.log (8.94 KB) richclient_info.log Mehdi Sadeghi, 11/29/2015 01:37 PM
ignore_ns.png (28.5 KB) ignore_ns.png Tobias Wich, 12/01/2015 04:57 AM
richclient_info.log (41.1 KB) richclient_info.log Mehdi Sadeghi, 12/02/2015 11:44 AM
Screenshot from 2015-12-02 11-39-55.png (34.8 KB) Screenshot from 2015-12-02 11-39-55.png Settings dialog Mehdi Sadeghi, 12/02/2015 11:44 AM
Screenshot from 2015-12-02 11-40-20.png (18.7 KB) Screenshot from 2015-12-02 11-40-20.png SOAP/JAXB error message Mehdi Sadeghi, 12/02/2015 11:44 AM
richclient_info.log (52.1 KB) richclient_info.log Using stage branch's latest build Mehdi Sadeghi, 12/02/2015 03:22 PM
error.log (10.1 KB) error.log Mehdi Sadeghi, 12/12/2015 09:05 PM

Related issues

Related to Feature #404: Add error note in EAC dialog if the pin was entered wrong the first time.ClosedDetlef Hühnlein07/23/2015


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