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Tobias Wich, 10/15/2012 12:44 PM

TLS-Design (iteration from 2012-10-08)

TLS and related Classes

BouncyCastle Classes

This diagram shows the TLS classes as available in the BouncyCastle library.

The TlsCredentials and TlsSignerCredentials interface are located in the upper left of the diagram. These interfaces are used in a TLS client authentication to get the client certificate and to produce a signature. For the use of software certificates, BouncyCastle comes with the implementation DefaultTlsSignerCredentials.

The common etry point for TLS based communication is the TlsClient interface in the lower left. In the current BC version, it has three abstract implementations (DefaultTlsClient PSKTlsClient SRPTlsClient) which are missing the getAuthentication() function.
The class returned by this function has two responsibilities. The fist is the validation of the server certificate and the second is the selection of a client credential depending on the supplied CAs. The CAs can be extracted from the CertificateRequest (see upper right) parameter in getClientCredentials().

The last relevant class in this diagram is the TlsProtocolHandler. Given a bidirectional stream (usually based on a socket) and a TlsClient, a new bidirectional stream can be extracted which wraps the original stream in a TLS channel. This handler implements the general TLS protocol and triggers the certificate validation and client authentication.

Open eCard Classes

This diagram shows classes that make use of the BouncyCastle classes in order to select and use custom credentials for the TLS authentication.

Apache http-core Classes

Client creation

The two following diagrams show how the a TLS channel is established and reused.

Credential Selection

The following two activity charts show the process how a credential is selected for the authentication.

TLS Design (old version left here until design is finished)

Bouncy Castle TLS authentication classes

TLS authentication implementation classes

TLS authentication sequence

TLS Design by HSCoburg

Bouncycastle Implementation Design - class diagramm

Description: TODO

Updated by Tobias Wich over 12 years ago · 9 revisions

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