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Detlef Hühnlein, 10/22/2015 01:21 PM

Quality management

The main aspects of the quality management within the Open eCard project are explained in [NHHW15].

The quality management consist of two big parts. The first part is covered by the Developer Guide, which contains the rules regarding to the code quality, code style, etc. The second part is a description of test which ensure have to be completed before a new version of the Open eCard App is released.

Quality Assurance Process

[ISO 9000:2015] defines quality assurance as a "part of quality management [...] focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled." In this sense quality assurance is a process targeting the objective to guarantee that a product works as intended. This task is mostly done by specifying tests which may be automated or not. The Open eCard project uses a mixture of manual and automated tests in the form of Continuous Integration and acceptance tests where automation is not feasible.

Continuous Integration

The Open eCard team uses Jenkins as tool for this task. The Jenkins server builds the complete project after a new version has been uploaded to the main Git repository after that all unit and integration tests available and enabled are performed. If an error occurs while this procedure the responsible release manager and if contact information are available the developers are informed. In the case that are all test successfully executed the release manger has to decide whether to accept or reject the changes.

Acceptance Testing

The main focus of the acceptance testing is the compliance to the technical guideline BSI TR-03124 part 2 and the practical usability with
existing services, which accept the supported cards.

Therefore the acceptance tests currently comprise the following areas:
  1. eID-Client-Test-Suite
    The conformance is tested with the latest available version of the official "test suite": issued by the BSI. This is a specialized test which ensures that the Open eCard App works as described in BSI TR-03124 part 1. So it covers just the functionality of the German eID card but there are general parts, which are also usable for other cards like the directions regarding error messages, information to display on the UI e.g retry counters of a PIN, etc.
  2. Services which accept the German eID Card
    An important requirement is that the Open eCard App works with existing services, which accept the German eID.
  3. Services which accept cards with X.509 certificates for TLS-Client-Authentication
    Finally the Open eCard App is meant to be used for TLS-Client-Authentication at corresponding services, which accept the supported cards with X.509 certificates.

The policy for performing acceptance tests is as follows:

  1. The set of required acceptance tests depends on the implemented changes since the last accepted version.
  2. At least the tests corresponding to the affected module (cf. Figure 3 in [NHHW15] and Figure 1 in [WHP+13]) MUST be tested completely.
  3. Additionally there MUST be a reasonable number of randomly chosen additional samples, which are selected in a way which makes it extremely likely that all requirements are indeed fulfilled.
  4. The execution of the tests and the corresponding test results MUST be documented in a conclusive manner.

Updated by Detlef Hühnlein over 9 years ago · 8 revisions

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