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Tobias Wich, 09/19/2012 03:16 PM
The overall project structure has been derived from the high level design of the Open eCard App (see [[Sicherheit 2012 submission) and is depicted in the following figure:
The following modules are derived from the high level project structure.
Information about the architecture, data structures and other things can be found in the respective links.
Contains web service definitions (.xsd, .wsdl) and related utilities.
- class-list-plugin
- wsdef-client
Contains common utilities and helper classes.
Contains basic crypto modules.
- bouncycastle
Relocated bouncycastle classes (moved from org.bouncycastle to org.openecard.bouncycastle) with some patches regarding TLS-PSK. - crypto-common
Other crypto related code. E.g. ASN.1 classes for EAC and CVC.
Contains the functionality for [[SAML-ECP]].
Contains signature-related functionality.
Contains modules related to the transport of messages.
- dispatcher
- paos
- tls
The TLS design can be found here.
Contains user interfaces (User Consent) for the different platforms.
- gui-common
Data structure definitions and common GUI execution code. - swing
Swing based User Consent implementation. - android
Android UI based User Consent implementation.
Contains the interface device (IFD) components for the different platforms. The following figure provides an overview of the relationship between the different ifd modules:
- ifd-common
Code and data structures common to core and protocol modules.
- protocols
Contains IFD-related trusted channel protocols, which can be used withEstablishChannel
. Currently the following protocols are supported:- pace
Password Authenticated Connection Establishment [[PACE]]
- pace
- scio-backend
Provides an implementation of [[javax.smartcardio]] for different platforms.- oma
Maps [[javax.smartcardio]] to the [[Transport API within the Open Mobile API]]. - android-nfc
Maps [[javax.smartcardio]] to [[android.nfc]]. - android-scio
Maps [[javax.smartcardio]] to a native PCSC implementation [[pcsclite]] compiled for Android.
More information can be found here. - pcsc
Is necessary to embed the java default implementation of the SmartcardIO into the scio-backend context.
- oma
- ifd-core
Implements the IFD-API including the mapping to [[javax.smartcardio]].
Contains the service access layer (SAL) components.
- sal-common
- protocols
- eac
- crypto-lite
- tiny-sal
Features CardInfo-based card type recognition. This module also bundles CardInfo files for the recognisable cards.
Provides an easy to use interface for IFD related events.
Contains components for the integration of the Open eCard App into popular browsers.
- object-handler
- pkcs11
- tls-channel-binding
This module is used to activate the client and authenticate against a server.
The eCard-API Framework part 7 defines the TCToken-Interface to trigger the activation.
More sophisticated activation scenarios need the possibility to request information about the App and available token. The Status-Interface extends the TCToken-Interface respectively.
Contains modules for the different forms of the Open eCard App.
- applet
- richclient
- android
Updated by Tobias Wich over 12 years ago · 6 revisions