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Detlef Hühnlein, 10/17/2012 08:01 AM

Document Creation Process

In order to allow distributed and convenient editing using the wiki
AND producing documents with high quality typesetting, the document creation process
as depicted in the following figure is implemented.

Document Creation Process

Editing in Wiki

The primary editing is performed in the present Wiki, which uses the
Textile markup as
explained here.

In order to allow an automated conversion to and processing with LaTeX, the following issues MUST be considered:

  1. Each Wiki-page is converted to a corresponding .tex file
  2. h1.-h3. correspond to \section{ }-\subsubsection{ }
  3. References to literature MAY be included, but they MUST be included as link with brackets [ ] around the "LABEL" (e.g. [BSI-TR-03112-7]),
    where the LABEL SHOULD be defined in an appropriate BibTeX-file.


The export of the Textile source to an appropriate .tex file and the provision of embedded pictures MAY be performed manually.
In the long turn there SHOULD be an automated export of the Wiki-pages as explained here for example.

Textile to LaTeX conversion

The Textile-markup from the Wiki can be converted to LaTeX using RedCloth.


In order to support references to documents (e.g. [BSI-TR-03112-7]), intra-Wiki-Links and
the inclusion of pretty-printed XML- or Java-code (e.g.

<xml> ... </xml>
), the raw LaTeX document needs to be cleaned up with awk.

This includes the following replacements:

1. <pre><code class="XXX"> --> \begin{minted}[bgcolor=bg]{XXX}
2. </code></pre>           --> \end{minted}
3. "[LABEL]":http://url    --> \cite{LABEL}
4. [[WikiRef]]             --> ...

h2. ss

Updated by Detlef Hühnlein over 12 years ago · 14 revisions

Also available in: PDF HTML TXT