Feature #386
closed[TR-03112 Addon] Support result minors according to BSI-TR-3124-1 v1.2
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BSI-TR-03124-1 v1.2 defines the result minor for the communication as follows:
- trustedChannelEstablishmentFailed
The eID client failed to set up a trusted channel to the eID-Server
- cancellationByUser
The user aborted the authentication. This includes abortion due to entering wrong PIN or no card present.
- serverError
The eID-server encountered an error. The exact error is communicated tot eh eService directly by the eID-Server.
- clientError
Anny error not covered by the other error codes occurred.
This result minors should be used at least for the complete communication when using the nPA.
Updated by Hans-Martin Haase almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Hans-Martin Haase
- Target version changed from 1.3.0 to 1.1.0
Updated by Hans-Martin Haase almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Review
- Reviewer set to Tobias Wich
See my branch bugfixes-1.1.0