Feature #141
closedFeature #125: Linux Installer
Debian packages
The Debian packages will also be upstream for other Linux-distributions based on Debian. These include not only Ubuntu but many more Linux distributions (http://www.debian.org/misc/children-distros).
Some quality criteria which I consider to be important for all packages:
- Should comply with the Debian Policy (http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/)
- Should be "Lintian clean". Lintian is a tool which can check for Debian Policy violations. The current version of Lintian should not report errors or warnings for a package (http://lintian.debian.org/)
- Should fullfill criteria of "Debian main": A main condition is that there are no dependencies from proprietary packages such as Oracle Java. Dependencies from OpenJDK are ok. Another potential issue might be dependencies from proprietary card reader drivers. (See also http://xkcd.com/797/ :-)
While no new packages will be accepted into the upcoming release 7.0 (Debian Wheezy) one aim will be to get our packages included with the Debian release 8.0 (Debian Jessie).
Updated by Andreas Kuckartz over 12 years ago
On a document which seems to be important regarding security:
Why it makes sense to package Java libraries
Updated by Andreas Kuckartz over 12 years ago
Also relevant:
Securing Debian Manual
Updated by Andreas Kuckartz over 12 years ago
Two checklists which are relevant for packaging (the first one is most important):
Reject FAQ for Debian's NEW-Queue
Checklist for NEW queue processing
Updated by Andreas Kuckartz about 12 years ago
ITP: Open eCard --- lightweight eID client, integrates major international standards
Updated by Detlef Hühnlein over 10 years ago
die Einstiegslektüre für Debian Java Packages ist hier
Updated by Tobias Wich over 5 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
Packages are available on github.