Feature #115
closedFeature #91: Replace custom HTTP server implementation with apache httpcore
Produce HTTP & HTML error message on authentication failure
Start date:
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% Done:
Estimated time:
3.00 h
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There is a pending update from the BSI of the eCard Spec regarding the TCToken and localhost activation.
2. Error-Handling: Grundsätzlich sollte bei Fehlern, die der eID-Client als
HTML-Fehler an den Browser gemeldet werden, im zugehörigen HTML-Body
eine für den Nutzer sinnvolle Fehlerbeschreibung enthalten sein.
- What are the HTTP error codes
- What is the content
- The page should at least contain a link redirecting the user to its original location.
Related issues
Updated by Moritz Horsch over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Moritz Horsch