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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
844 Open eCard Bug New Normal Open eCard funktioniert nicht (mehr) 02/10/2025 09:56 PM Actions
843 Common eID Support New Normal Identifikations Card Samantha Konrad 12/28/2024 04:32 AM Actions
842 Open eCard Bug New Normal Failed to retrieve the TCToken: Certificate corrupt 10/25/2024 10:21 AM Actions
841 Open eCard Feature New Normal Unterstützung von HBA G2.1 09/14/2024 06:02 PM Actions
840 Open eCard Bug New Normal Open eCard App funktioniert nicht mehr 05/08/2024 01:49 PM Actions
839 Open eCard Bug Solved Normal Open eCard App hängt beim Start 01/12/2024 01:17 PM Actions
838 Open eCard Bug New Normal Neuer Ausweis und "Signaturen zulassen"+CAN Dialog 10/14/2023 11:08 AM Actions
837 Open eCard Bug New Normal Core was generated by `/opt/open-ecard-app/bin/open-ecard-app' (#6 0x00007f83fb27e83d in Logger::log(Logger::LogLevel, char const*, int, char const*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const) 01/29/2023 08:45 PM Actions
836 Open eCard Bug Feedback Normal Linux: Kann die Shared-Object-Datei nicht öffnen 03/29/2023 10:36 AM Actions
835 Open eCard Bug Solved Normal Building mobile libs fails at step iOS Framework because of undefined symbols Mike Prechtl 01/30/2023 01:18 PM Actions
834 Open eCard Bug New Normal Linux Mint LMDE6 meldet "beschädigtes vorhandenes Paket" bei Open eCard Version open-ecard-app_2.1.5-1_amd64.deb bei Installation 09/09/2024 09:34 AM Actions
833 Open eCard PartnerIssue In Progress Normal Login zu funktioniert nicht 11/23/2021 01:33 PM Actions
832 Open eCard Feature New Normal ReinerSCT unter Debian 09/19/2023 12:05 PM Actions
831 Open eCard Bug New Normal Building from source under Linux results in huge package because of included debug information 07/12/2021 07:26 PM Actions
830 Open eCard Bug New Normal Building from source fails: Error: Module java.logging not found, required by org.openecard.richclient 07/12/2021 04:00 PM Actions
829 Open eCard Bug Solved Normal Anmeldung bei der Rentenversicherung schlägt fehl: An authentication process is already running. 08/24/2021 03:05 PM Actions
828 Open eCard Feature New Normal Altersverifikation 01/26/2021 06:16 PM Actions
826 Open eCard Bug New Normal java exceptions in OpenSUSE Leap 15.2 authenticating with governicus 11/24/2020 11:11 PM Actions
825 Open eCard Bug Solved Normal Non integer Proxy Port leads to error and proxy is not working 11/12/2020 10:09 AM Actions
824 Open eCard Bug New Normal Keine Karte eingesteckt 11/12/2020 09:41 AM Actions
786 Open eCard Bug New Normal Recognition rule for turkish eID card is too broad 12/19/2019 09:47 AM Actions
766 Open eCard Bug Feedback High Cyberjack Standard control command aborted by PCSC 09/10/2019 11:45 AM Actions
706 Open eCard Bug Solved Normal DATEV Arbeitnehmer online Login fails Detlef Hühnlein 09/19/2019 09:57 AM Actions
655 Open eCard Bug Feedback Normal Fehler bei gleichzeitigem verwenden der VR Banksoftware und Open eCard App 09/25/2019 11:34 AM Actions
652 Open eCard Bug New Normal Fehler bei Kfzauskunft Berlin Tobias Wich 06/05/2018 07:35 PM Actions
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