android for smart card reader
Added by Allan Lau almost 12 years ago
Dear all,
I am newly in developing android application for USB smart card reader devices.
I has done some research about it.
And I want used the those software to communicate to the devices by software below:
- pcsc-lite
- libusb
- ccid
Is it okay for me to referring the codes from Open eCard for develop the android app?
which parts is related?
Replies (4)
RE: android for smart card reader - Added by Dirk Petrautzki almost 12 years ago
Hi Allan,
i think reffering to the codes from the Open eCard project is ok.
The relevant part is the android-pcsc module located at ifd/scio-backand/andoid-pcsc.
The java entry point is the AndroidPCSCFactory. Native libraries are located in the jni folder each with a file that operates the bild process.
I hope this helps you getting started. Feel free to ask further questions.
RE: android for smart card reader - Added by Allan Lau almost 12 years ago
Hi Dirk,
Thank you very much for your reply...
RE: android for smart card reader - Added by Allan Lau almost 12 years ago
Hi Dirk,
After I referred your suggestion and is very helpful.
But I have a silly question is about the AndroidPCSCFactory which is the java entry point for start and stop PCSC?
How I can start and stop for this PCSC? Where and which part I can refer for this?
RE: android for smart card reader - Added by Anonymous over 6 years ago
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