


Check if eID has been activated on older German IDs with NFC

Added by Alexander Hoffmann over 4 years ago

Hi all,
I am using open ecard on android. I would like to know if it's possible to identify with openecard if a German ID has the eID functionality enabled.

AFAIK, older "new" German IDs need to be activated at the citizen office. New IDs can be activated at home with a 5-digit transport PIN.

Is there a specific callback or error code which indicates that the ID needs to be activated at the citizen office?

Replies (2)

RE: Check if eID has been activated on older German IDs with NFC - Added by Tobias Wich over 4 years ago

The callback function referenced by the following link is executed when a card is deactivated.

The android demo app does not provide visible feedback to the user in that case.

RE: Check if eID has been activated on older German IDs with NFC - Added by Alexander Hoffmann over 4 years ago

Thank you. I wasn't quite sure about the onCardDeactivated callback. This will be sufficient for our usecase.
