


Problems in Eclipse: ... cannot be resolved to a type

Added by David Herman about 7 years ago

Hi folks,

I want to debug Open eCard in Eclipse but I'm stuck. I've imported the projects as maven projects but there are a lot of Java problems of the kind "ClassX cannot be resolved to a type" (e. g. "BasicHeader cannot be resolved to a type"). It looks like all classes in the package org.openecard.apache cannot be found.

I tried "mvn clean install" on the command line and it works. Thus, the issue above is probably caused by Eclipse's Maven plugin (m2e). Usually, I know how to deal with similar Maven issues in Eclipse but not this time. Does anyone know how to fix this in Eclipse?

Best Regards,

Replies (3)

RE: Problems in Eclipse: ... cannot be resolved to a type - Added by Tobias Wich almost 7 years ago


I'm afraid I can't help with that. The best advice I can give is not to use eclipse. The second advice is to look for solutions regarding the maven shade plugin as this is used to alter the namespace of the Apache Httpcore lib in order to prevent name clashes on Android.


RE: Problems in Eclipse: ... cannot be resolved to a type - Added by David Herman almost 7 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I tried NetBeans and somehow I could debug the code. But NetBeans seems to ignore the changes I've made, i. e. I saved my changes and restarted the debugger but NetBeans is still executing the old code (without my changes). Any idea how to fix that (I couldn't find a solution for this)? Or which IDE would you recommend?

RE: Problems in Eclipse: ... cannot be resolved to a type - Added by Tobias Wich almost 7 years ago

You need to compile the module containing the code changes before executing the richclient module.
