Wiki » History » Revision 30
Revision 29 (Detlef Hühnlein, 10/19/2012 08:16 AM) → Revision 30/55 (Detlef Hühnlein, 10/19/2012 08:48 AM)
h1. Open eCard Books The following books are created as explained within the following [[Documentation Strategy|here]]. Strategy|document creation process]]. * [[Software Architecture]] - contains a description of the software architecture of the Open eCard App * [[Developer Guide]] - contains everything a developer needs to know * [[Build Management System]] - contains a description of the Open eCard build management system * [[Quality Manual]] - specifies all quality related aspects * [[User Guide]] - contains everything a user of the Open eCard App needs to know * [[Integrator Guide]] - contains everything an integrator needs to know h1. Wiki (old structure) [[Project-Structure|Project Structure, Modules and their Architecture]] [[code-style|Code-Style Guidelines]] [[Ecard-change-propositions|eCard Change Proposals]] [[Open Mobile API]] [[Library Licenses]] [[eID-Server-Issues|eID-Server Issues]] [[Development Process]] [[Netbeans issues]] "JavaDoc": of branch master [[Browser tests]] [[Open eCard Team]] [[About]] [[Call for Papers]] [[Open Source Projects]] [[Anwenderbeirat]] [[Entwicklung der Open Source Community]] [[Angebotskommentare]] [[Starterkit]]