


Project-Structure » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Tobias Wich, 09/14/2012 05:40 PM) → Revision 4/17 (Tobias Wich, 09/17/2012 05:03 PM)

h1. Project-Structure 

 The overall project structure has been derived from the high level design of the Open eCard App (see [["Sicherheit 2012 submission":]]) and is depicted in the following figure: 


 h2. wsdef 

 Contains web service definitions (.xsd, .wsdl) and related utilities. 

 * class-list-plugin  
 * wsdef-client 

 h2. common  

 Contains common utilities and helper classes. 

 h2. crypto 

 Contains basic crypto modules. 

 * bouncy-android 

 h2. saml 

 Contains the functionality for [["SAML-ECP":]]. 

 h2. esign 

 Contains signature-related functionality. 

 h2. transport 

 Contains modules related to the transport of messages. 

 * dispatcher 
 * paos 
 * [[TLS-Design|tls]] 

 h2. gui 

 Contains user interfaces for the different platforms. 

 * gui-common  
 * swing 
 * android 

 h2. ifd  

 Contains the interface device (IFD) components for the different platforms. The following figure provides an 
 overview of the relationship between the different ifd modules: 


 * ifd-common 

 * protocols 
 Contains IFD-related trusted channel protocols, which can be used with @EstablishChannel@. Currently the following protocols are supported: 
  * pace 

 * scio-backend 
 Provides an implementation of [["javax.smartcardio":]] for different platforms. 

  * oma 
 Maps [["javax.smartcardio":]] to the [["Transport API within the Open Mobile API":]]. 

  * android-nfc 
 Maps [["javax.smartcardio":]] to [["android.nfc":]]. 

  * pcsc  
 Is necessary to embed the java default implementation of the SmartcardIO into the scio-backend context. 

 * ifd-core 
 Implements the IFD-API including the mapping to [["javax.smartcardio":]] 
 h2. sal 

 Contains the service access layer (SAL) components. 

 * sal-lite  
 * protocols 

  * eac 
  * crypto-lite 

 h2. recognition 

 Features CardInfo-based card type recognition. 

 h2. event-manager 

 Provides an easy to use interface for ifd-related events.  

 h2. browser 

 Contains components for the integration of the Open eCard App into popular browsers. 

 * object-handler 
 * pkcs11 


 * tls-channel-binding 

 h2. control-interface 

 * [[Control_Interface#Activation|TCToken]] 
 * [[Control_Interface#GetStatus1|Status]] 

 h2. client  

 Contains modules for the different forms of the Open eCard App. 

 * applet 
 * android 
 * j2me