


Open eCard Rich? Application and Debian Linux

Added by Christian Wendt about 8 years ago

Hi Forum,

as I did not find any documentation on what to expect I have to ask here:

Should there be an Application Window opening when the Rich-Application is started? - I do not see anything opened on my Desktop, this is Debian 8 with Oracle Java 8.

The Open eCard App works half way through any Webpage that tries to use the German eID, it opens a popup to show what information is requested and asks for the pin on the SCT reader. After that I get an authentication failure message and the Open eCard App is not running any longer.

How can I debug this, is this a known issue?

Thanks in advance, best regards,

Replies (1)

RE: Open eCard Rich? Application and Debian Linux - Added by Christian Wendt about 8 years ago

Dear Forum,

by now I figured out the issues. In fact I found a users guide for Windows with some screenshots of some icon in some tray controlling opening of the application. With this documented I could spot the icon in my "autohide" panel somewhere and could access the application. A manual like this on the Open eCard website would be very helpful, I believe.

Thanks for all!

Best regards,
